Item Renaming Kaiousama//Glory (in Public Record)

Tenchi Muyo March 3 2005 7:03 PM EST

Glory has offered to rename my Katana and Tattoo of Augmentation for 575,000 CB2. Upon confirmation I will send the money and the two items, and Glory will return them once they are renamed.

A Katana -> A Whip
Tattoo of Augmentation -> Steroids

Relic March 3 2005 7:05 PM EST


Tenchi Muyo March 3 2005 7:21 PM EST

Sent the items and 560k. If Glory wants, the items can be resent after renaming and I'll pay the other 15k once my BA restores. If not I can try to borrow an extra 15k to pay off the rest before the items are sent back.

Tenchi Muyo March 3 2005 10:09 PM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) Glory (Fear) $15000 10:09 PM EST
Kaiousama (Kaiousama) Glory (Fear) $560000 7:19 PM EST

Thanks for the renames Glory!

Relic March 3 2005 10:13 PM EST

No problem, enjoy!
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