Where has Carnage Blender gone? (in General)

[CB1 Was Better]Dade March 7 2005 3:52 AM EST

Well, I'm back from basic training. I'm a little bit lost, though, it seems. I understand what has happened with CB and CB2, but I'm just incredibly lost as to what exactly has gone on here. It seems like CB2 is quite a different game. I don't even know where to start with regards to getting current with the changes. I feel like I just started playing again.

Anyway, I don't know how much I'll be playing. I go to School of Infantry on the 15th, and as you might understand I'm going to be a bit busy.

It's nice to be back, but where am I? :D


BrandonLP March 7 2005 4:18 AM EST

The changelogs are definitely a good start after looking at skills and spells on the training page. Also make sure to read the FAQs. If there's anything else we can help you with, don't hesitate to ask.
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