A Request For Assistance (in Off-topic)

Trillian March 7 2005 9:29 AM EST

Noble Sirs and Ladies,

For any of you that may enjoy a mental challenge once in a while, may I suggest you peruse the contents of http://nr.wireplay.co.uk/index.php

My dearly beloved friend has put his heart and soul into this site, and lost countless hours of sleep and sanity in the pursuit of perfecting this project for the enjoyment (and frustration) of others.

He is currently attempting to convince various companies to provide prizes for the more accomplished and dedicated members of his little community and this would be greatly assisted by growing numbers of competitors.

I implore and beseech you to give but a few moments of your time to this. You will have my heartfelt gratitude forever more and if you're ever in England, I'll buy you a drink to prove it :)

*curtseys* Thank you, and good day...

QBJohnnywas March 7 2005 9:34 AM EST

Ok, I've been onto the site to look around and will register once I get home tonight. So, I'm in London right now - where's my pint? =)

QBJohnnywas March 7 2005 9:47 AM EST

btw, looks like a nicely laid out little site.

Trillian March 7 2005 9:57 AM EST

Come up to York for your pint, they're cheaper up North :P

QBJohnnywas March 7 2005 9:59 AM EST

Yeah, I know - used to live in Scarborough for my sins.....

Maelstrom March 7 2005 10:52 AM EST

It might be good, but I don't see anything that would make registration worth my time. Perhaps some samples would be effective?
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