Newbie race (in Contests)

miteke [Superheros] March 12 2005 12:15 AM EST

I'd like to run a Newbie race contest.


1) All players start with a new char and run the char for a set amount of time (I'm thinking 3 days).

2) No character may have more than 50K of assets at any time. Your fellow competitors and sponsors will do the policing. Hopefully there will be no violators so I won't have to determine a fair penalty - but any penalty up to forfeiting the race and a bad rep is possible.

3) At the end of the race period, the char with the greatest PR gets a prize of a base level Lesser Tattoo of Augmentation at the very least.

If you are a truly new newbie, we can find a sponsor for you to equip you with 50K worth of junk - um, I mean valuable equipment, either as a loan or a gift.

Anyone like the idea and would like to sponsor anyone or run in the race or donate to the prizes, just speak up! I'll decide by Monday whether it is worth my time and tattoo based on the responses.

vendo March 12 2005 1:00 AM EST

Hmm...Looks like somebody's really missing tournies.

miteke [Superheros] March 12 2005 8:15 AM EST


Never played CB1!

{CB1}Lukeyman March 12 2005 12:13 PM EST

I'd love to play

{CB1}Lukeyman March 12 2005 12:14 PM EST

oh.. do we need to be a newb?

slurpz March 12 2005 1:02 PM EST

i would join...but all of the items i own are over 50k nw :)

i'll join if i can get some trash...i mean left over valuables as donations ^_^

miteke [Superheros] March 12 2005 9:54 PM EST

No, you do not need to be a true newbie, just start a new character. But if you ARE a true newbie, I would want someone to sponsor you both as a mentor and to pick up 50K worth of equipment to help.

If you don't have any equipment worth less than 50K, don't sweat it - play a mage team. They don't really have equipment.

If I can get 5 folks interested in the idea, I will launch it on Monday.

{CB3}-HR22 March 13 2005 8:27 PM EST

I guess ill have a swing at it

miteke [Superheros] March 13 2005 8:39 PM EST

I only see 3 volunteers so it does not look like it is a go.

I think I see why Jon does not run those tourneys in CB2.

Nightmare [NewNightmares] March 13 2005 8:40 PM EST

no, Jon never ran the tourneys on CB1.. that was private and Avoid.. there just isn't enough stuff out there to offer prizes yet for tourneys.. as it is, an LToA isn't a big enough prize to grab most people's attention

slurpz March 13 2005 8:54 PM EST

make it a cash price of 100k :P

loserSpoons March 14 2005 3:06 AM EST

If you're still doing it, I'll play :)

BrandonLP March 14 2005 3:31 AM EST

I'll donate a LToI.

miteke [Superheros] March 14 2005 7:45 PM EST

Still not enough contestants.

We have a LToA and a LToI, winner picks first, 2nd place picks second.

Since a few of you seem very interested I'll give it a little bit more before I give up.

Sorry, no 100K checks from this manager.

mchaos March 15 2005 1:30 PM EST

I'll do it!

{CB1}Lukeyman March 15 2005 2:22 PM EST

How many people we need?

{CB1}Lukeyman March 15 2005 2:22 PM EST

wait, lol, i dont think i can, sorry

Synco March 20 2005 9:29 PM EST

i will do it! :-)

miteke [Superheros] March 21 2005 3:54 PM EST

How do you close a subject? I'd like to close this thread but don't have a clue how!

{CB1}Lukeyman March 21 2005 4:07 PM EST

*Thread Closed* something like that?

You can't officially close it
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