BluelsCooler//BooDiggity Deal (in Public Record)

BooDiggens March 12 2005 3:55 PM EST

I'm loaning Bluels 300k at 10% weekly interest. First weeks payment will be 330k. Any amount not paid after the first week will accrue 10% interest. Confirm.

matchstick March 12 2005 3:58 PM EST

i BlueIsCooler a.k.a. matchstick confirm the above transaction of BooDiggity. send to char- matchstick

matchstick March 15 2005 7:57 PM EST

the leveling of the ToA has been called off. I am back to paying BooDiggity 330k.

BlueIsCooler (matchstick) BooDiggity[Auctions]
(Czech Forger) $10000 7:39 PM EST
BlueIsCooler (matchstick) BooDiggity[Auctions]
(Czech Forger) $10000 7:36 PM EST
BlueIsCooler (matchstick) BooDiggity[Auctions] (Phi) $10000 7:10 PM EST

30k paid

matchstick March 16 2005 8:00 PM EST

330k total paid

BlueIsCooler (matchstick) BooDiggity[Auctions]
(CB2Bank Auctioneer) $300000 7:56 PM EST

debt paid off
thanks BooDiggity


BooDiggens March 17 2005 12:35 AM EST

Thank you Blue
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