Bast Paying BlueIsCooler supportship (in Public Record)

{CB3}-HR22 March 12 2005 5:55 PM EST

I am paying for my friend BlueIsCooler's supportship. He sent me the money to transfer to Bast, because he wasnt sure how to get hooked up and get supportership. Our deal was $500,000 for supportship ($10 USD)

matchstick March 12 2005 6:03 PM EST

I, BlueIsCooler a.k.a. matchstick confirm the above post of the transaction of $500,000 in cb cash to one, Hellrazor22. I also confirm that I, BlueIsCooler a.k.a. matchstick have recieved the promised supportship stated in the above post.

{CB3}-HR22 March 12 2005 6:03 PM EST

Hellrazor22 (Hillbilly) Bast (Bartlett) $500000 -- Supportership
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