Krodel63//CB2BANK (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 12 2005 9:08 PM EST

Krodel63 is borrowing 1 mil at 10% per week.

Due during week 1: 1,100,000

Please confirm Krodel63. Thanks.

Krodel63 March 12 2005 10:08 PM EST


Krodel63 March 12 2005 10:08 PM EST

confirmed send money to cartman

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 13 2005 12:53 AM EST

[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) krodel63 (Cartman) $1000000 -- Loan 12:52 AM EST

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 20 2005 1:44 PM EST

Balance: 1,100,000
10% 110,000

Balance: 1,210,000

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 20 2005 2:00 PM EST

krodel63 (Ferfas) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $1100000 March 15 2005 6:22 PM EST

Sorry, Krodel63--you didn't post it and it's hard to keep track. You are credited with this payment.

Loan is paid in full. Thank you, krodel63.
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