Fight Rewards/ Scores (in General)

QBJohnnywas March 13 2005 10:06 AM EST

I'm sure I'm not alone in this but I just want to say thanks Jon!

Whatever you've done to the fight rewards and scores is not something I'm going to complain about. My score is 3 times what it was just over a week ago and I've finally for the first time in CB2 been able to buy a proper rare item, not just a lesser tattoo of some description. Of course, it could just be that the strat changes I made just over a week ago have worked but thanks all the same! Nice one! =)

Steve G March 13 2005 10:22 AM EST

i would be happy to get more then 100-150$ these days, whoever said the top10 wouldnt feel this penalty obviously didnt think it through too much.

first i get my ToJ nerfed....again (like 4th time now) and then im told dont worry your a top 10 character, your rewards wont get lower.

well if your talking about getting more score per fight maybe, but my rewards have been increasingly brutal since this change, getting no more then 80-90xp per fight and 100-150$ per fight on about 75% of my fight list.

QBJohnnywas March 13 2005 10:34 AM EST

If that is the case Steve, then maybe something is wrong. The guys at the top shouldn't get penalized at all. I'm fighting a score on average 3 times my pr at the moment and I'm doing very well in terms of cash and xp rewards. Certainly, enough to keep me happy. But the top 10, even the top 20 players, don't have the option of fighting up to increase their rewards. These changes do seem geared towards making the playing field that bit more level though, so I suspect a lot of the lower level players are smiling at the moment. I'm going to go and sit quietly in the corner now and not say anymore.... =)

3D March 13 2005 3:06 PM EST

I'm not exactly. A real low toj that way lower than 70% of my pr is still damaging my rewards.
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