CB2 - USD (in General)

DizzyGuy March 14 2005 12:35 AM EST

What are the current rates for CB2 to USD? I saw one person honoring 12$ US for 1Mil CB2. But this was for a selling thread of equipment...

BrandonLP March 14 2005 1:34 AM EST

That's a bit low. I've heard 450k - 500k CB2 for $10 USD.

DizzyGuy March 14 2005 1:36 AM EST

I knew that retty much everyone was valueing it at 20$ for 1 Mil... but I was hoping that it really was coming down =P

TrueDevil [AAA] March 14 2005 1:57 AM EST

With all these reward changes, I think the conversion will stay the same for a while.
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