Rapidly Dropping Scores (in General)

Chocolate Thunder March 14 2005 2:43 PM EST

Much like the unexplained Rapidly Rising scores from a few days ago. My score (much like everyone elses) has dropped about 100K in 12 hours. Anyone have any clue for the cause of this? does it have anything to do with showing virtual PR? or is this just the scores fixing themselves after a abnormally high thrust the past few days?

Todd March 14 2005 3:23 PM EST

Well, Jon allowed massive ToJ's to be equipped by low characters again without penalty (well, it _does_ increase their PR). So, once again, you are getting beat up by bigger tats than yours

Becoming March 14 2005 3:35 PM EST

Todd, that is not the reason for the score changes.

According to my observations, score gains for wins have been decreased by about 80% and score drops from losses have been tripled. These figures are just estimates, based on the gains and losses from the period before this where scores increased like crazy.

Things have been brought back down to where they were before any score changes were made and most people couldn't maintain a score to PR ratio of 1.

Chocolate Thunder March 14 2005 3:38 PM EST

Good thing i can depend on Spid and Falcon to keep my score and rewards up, i'd be lost without them.

Undertow March 14 2005 4:53 PM EST

Everyone talks about score being low like it's a bad thing. You can beat the same people, but your score is lower... that means lower rankings, sure, but also bigger rewards. Works for me.

Becoming March 14 2005 4:56 PM EST

Undertow, perhaps you're not familiar with how rewards are calculated. A big factor in rewards is the ratio of your opponents' score to your PR. Therefore, lower scores overall = lower rewards.
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