Kaiousama//CB2BANK (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 14 2005 4:58 PM EST

Kaiousama is purchacing A Blade of Thuringwethil [73x30] (+10) 439,848 from CB2BANK and is borrowing the full amount of 5 mil at 10% per week interest.

During week 1 payoff is: 5,500,000

The Blade will be loaned to Kaiousama at no charge except to cover transfer fees.

Please confirm, Kaiousama. Thank you.

Tenchi Muyo March 14 2005 4:59 PM EST


Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 14 2005 5:02 PM EST

[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) Kaiousama (Kaiousama) loan A Blade of Thuringwethil ($439848) -- Loan Collateral 5:01 PM EST

Transfer fee: 7,386

Balance: 5,507,386

Tenchi Muyo March 15 2005 6:11 PM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $75000 6:11 PM EST

Tenchi Muyo March 16 2005 1:24 AM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $50000 1:24 AM EST

125k down.

Tenchi Muyo March 16 2005 3:11 PM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $125000 3:10 PM EST

250k down.

Tenchi Muyo March 16 2005 3:44 PM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $125000 3:43 PM EST

375k paid.

Tenchi Muyo March 17 2005 11:54 AM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $50000 11:53 AM EST

425k paid

Tenchi Muyo March 18 2005 12:30 PM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $75000 12:28 PM EST

500k paid.

Tenchi Muyo March 18 2005 3:48 PM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $150000 3:48 PM EST

650k down. 4,857,386 left.

Tenchi Muyo March 19 2005 11:54 PM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $25000 11:54 PM EST

675k down

Tenchi Muyo March 20 2005 1:19 AM EST

Kaiousama (Kaiousama) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $50000 1:19 AM EST

725k down

Tenchi Muyo March 20 2005 12:51 PM EST

After speaking with Barron, knowing that I will be changing strategies soon, we have agree'd that after this loan of the BoTH, he will be re-selling it, and this debt will be over. Barron, please confirm.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 20 2005 1:05 PM EST

Kaiousama, I appreciate you being straight up and understand your desire to change strategy. Therefore, this loan is finished, and neither party owes the other anything more. Good luck, and I hope you continue enjoying the game!
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