Hieurjg Selling a Morgul to Fave (in Public Record)

Chocolate Thunder March 14 2005 8:48 PM EST

Yep, $60USD for a Camped Morgul. Verify please.

Hieurjg March 14 2005 8:49 PM EST

confirmed, send to sleisch@sympatico.ca
ill send the morgul to the char you want when I get payment

Chocolate Thunder March 14 2005 8:51 PM EST

Cash sent.

Chocolate Thunder March 14 2005 8:52 PM EST

Item recieved, cheers.

Hieurjg March 14 2005 8:55 PM EST

Hieurjg (Hieurjg) [FaV]Favorite 70's Music
(The Germs) A Morgul-Hammer ($89571) 8:52 PM EST

thank you
and why would some people chatmail me about how I could have gotten more is beyond me
first- I havnt played for 2 months and I wont play again
second- Why the hell do you care?!?!?
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