looking for mithril chainmail and loan to pay for it (in Public Record)

minicrackerjaxck March 15 2005 8:12 PM EST

i am looking for someone with a mithril chainmail who isnt charging to much more than 1 million, also need a loan to pay for it. I am very reliable you can count on me to pay it bak. But it will require and the minimimum two weeks to pay back and at the max two months, but as i said before i am reliable and will pay it back, reply me if u have an offer to either make me a loan or if u have a mithril chainmail.

minicrackerjaxck March 16 2005 10:33 AM EST

i am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause u but i have made a deal to buy a tatto instead and im not still looking for a mithril chainmail.

Nixon Jibfest March 16 2005 12:14 PM EST

public record????
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