PR for forging ? (in General)

Yohan March 16 2005 7:17 AM EST

I know that the PR level for forging does not include the tattoo adjustment. However my PR when unequipping my tattoo is significantly lower than it was before the change in calculations. How can I estimate my 'forging PR' or is it now this lower level?


Sacredpeanut March 17 2005 2:26 AM EST

Your forging ability is the same as it was before the tattoo adjustment

mihalis March 17 2005 4:01 AM EST

Of course, now that there is a penalty when unequipping your tattoo, you probably won't like very much checking your minion PR before proposing forging offers...
Well, here is a hint: I think your forging "speed" is linearly related to the price you pay for your extra BA. So maybe a new habit for forgers should be to say "I pay so much for my extra BA", instead of saying "I'm so much PR".

RIPsalt3d March 17 2005 4:24 AM EST

Or you could check your minion PR stat.
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