Tatto strategy for losing fights (in General)

[EG] Almuric March 16 2005 11:00 AM EST

Let's say you have a fairly high level character. Let's say that character gets farmed mercilessly by people more powerful. Let's say that person has a tattoo. Let's say he's tired of getting camped and has come up with a strategy for that. Here's how it works.

Joe logs in and fights his 160 fights. This gets his score to a normal level. He then unequips his tattoo, which drops his PR by 1/3 or 1/4. He then goes away for 3 hours. During this time he gets farmed a lot. But now, these farmers, get reduced rewards since (I believe), rewards are calculated by comparing the attacker's score to the defender's PR. Perhaps they notice. Perhaps they don't. 3 hours later, Joe returns, re-equips his tattoo and starts fighting. As a bonus, he is getting increased rewards for a while because his score dropped a bunch while he was gone.

It's possible that while Joe is gone someone he's normally able to beat discovers he's now vulnerable and farms him for a while. So what? Better to be farmed by someone you can turn around and beat and farm in turn than by someone you have no chance of ever beating.

This was actually an old strategy from CB1 - unequip all your items, let your score drop, then come back and get increased rewards. Jon put in code to prevent this - giving you negative XP and $ for losing to someone much lower. I don't think this would happen here. Your PR really is much lower and you're not unequipping everything. You wouldn't get beat by people too low unless your strategy was all tattoo, in which case this wouldn't work for you.

Any thoughts? Unethical? Immoral? Impractical? Illegal? I know I'm considering it. Tired of getting farmed by people with too much time on their hands who only have 3 people in their favorites list. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and it's still pretty cold where I live. :)

As a side note, if people started doing this I think the graphs would start looking really ugly.

MoeDrippins March 16 2005 11:02 AM EST

Oh man, I thought your rewards were based on your pr vs. the opponents score... no?

GnuUzir March 16 2005 11:07 AM EST

You are correct Moe.
I had a similar idea to farm clan members that would be below you with a large Tattoo, unequip do your fighting, then put the Tattoo back on to prevent them from farming you back.

I have tried this once or twice, not too hot, but if some one with more patience could probably pull it off...

mihalis March 16 2005 11:32 AM EST

Other tattoo strategy to win clan points: create a character, never fight with it, put it in your clan. When you are out of BA, put your oversized tattoo on it and watch all opponent clan members come and crash, and also watch how high the score becomes with that awful strategy. And for the opponents that win, hopefully they notice how low rewards are...

chernobyl March 16 2005 12:11 PM EST

I see a big problem with this strategy if you belong to a clan that is in the top 24 consistently. The problem is, your character would be getting farmed for your top clan, which results in 3 clan points for the enemy; allowing a char to be farmed for 3 points each is pretty detrimental to the clan I would think.

QBJohnnywas March 16 2005 12:15 PM EST

I've got a largish tattoo sitting on one of my farms. Enables it to make a tidy little sum every week. Occasionally I move it around and watch the score drop, either enough so that I'm being attacked by weaker characters, therefore win and make some cash, or to the point where I re-equip the tattoo and start making cash that way. It's a nice feeling to know that I'm getting something out of being farmed, instead of watching my score drop lower and lower each day. It's a big drag to try and regain ground I've already been over...

mihalis March 16 2005 12:59 PM EST

Well, I did it once, before the change about the actual PR and virtual PR. It showed a PR of 1, and the score was not much higher. I wanted to see how high a PR 1 character could go without challenging an opponent. Now it's not as funny, since cb does not display the minion PR. But still, fighting a PR 1 character does not give high rewards, no matter how high the score. I let it for one day (Saturday, and no clan bonus... couldn't be worse anyway).

Vagabond March 16 2005 2:48 PM EST

As a side note, if people started doing this I think the graphs would start looking really ugly.

I've been moving a decent sized ToJ between my farms. Check out these graphs... 1 - 2 - 3

RIPsalt3d March 16 2005 4:25 PM EST

That's nothing, check this out! ;)

Rewards are based on your score vs. your opponent's score. There is a bonus (or penalty) based on your PR vs. your opponent's score.

The potential clan point losses make me hesitant; otherwise I think it's a great idea. It probably wouldn't make a huge difference, though, because the extra people that are able to farm you would be offset by those who stop due to low rewards. You'd score a few wins out of it after re-equipping your tattoo, too. Hmm...

Vagabond March 16 2005 4:26 PM EST

hmm... I smell a new contest... who can make the most creative city scape using their score/PR graph :P

NSFY March 16 2005 4:27 PM EST

I don't have any problems losing fights but thanks anyway.

Manta March 17 2005 11:55 AM EST

So, the lower your score, the better the rewards (for the same PR and opponent's score)?

GnuUzir March 17 2005 11:56 AM EST

Nope, FAQ Fighting #10

Q: What is the biggest factor in my fight rewards?
A: The biggest is how your PR compares to the score of your opponent. If it is smaller, you get a bonus for fighting tougher people. If it is larger, you are penalized for fighting "lowbies."

(The top 10 Characters are exempt from the lowbie penalty.)
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