[NoV]Monty//CB2BAnk (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 18 2005 9:36 AM EST

[NoV]Monty is borrowing 1.5 mil at 10% per week.

[NoV]Monty is using the cash to purchase a Tattoo of Endurance.

Due during the 1st week: 1.65 mil

Please confirm, [NoV]Monty , and I will send the ToE to you. Thank you.

[Banned]Monty March 18 2005 11:42 PM EST


Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 19 2005 12:13 AM EST

[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) [NoV]Monty (Fatality) A Tattoo of Endurance ($11030) -- 1.5 mil loan 12:13 AM EST
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