Silly (stupid?) stat request... (in General)

MoeDrippins March 18 2005 4:47 PM EST

Couple things I've wondered about:

* BA "Efficiency" for characters; the amount of BA used (bought and given) / the amount of BA that character gets during the last 24 hours, week, whatever, expressed as a percentage. Were it me, I'd not count the amount of BA you can buy, allowing for efficiencies over 100%.

* Bought BA chunks. What are the most popular "chunk" sizes that people buy BA in? I generally go 50, 100, or 128.

Completely un-needed, I realize, but would be interesting if such data is already tracked.

GnuUzir March 18 2005 4:52 PM EST

I buy all my BA every day in 100-100-136 chunks...
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