Remember, you saw it here first (in Off-topic)

BrandonLP March 20 2005 3:54 AM EST

Oh yes, selling myself on Ebay.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 20 2005 3:57 AM EST

Rofl, "Are you bidding just to amuse me?"

Nice one....=P

Bmagnety March 20 2005 4:01 AM EST

Do you do yards

BrandonLP March 20 2005 4:03 AM EST

Yeah. If I was operating on normal doses of sleep, I might've been able to make that a lot funnier than it is. Seeing as I'm not, I'll go for the cheap amusement I'll get from the next week of watching that auction that only cost me $1.20.

Bmagnety March 20 2005 4:23 AM EST

Hope someone out bids me might starve in the packing crate
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