Bug - specify user to fight (in General)

MoeDrippins March 20 2005 10:52 AM EST

Looks like the game is remembering what you typed rather than what it picked.

To Reproduce:
* Click Specify... (in nav bar)
* Type in "Good Guys" (Note that there is no such user)
* See that "? Good Guys" is selected.
* Click "Fight"
* Note that game sees there is no such user and gives you a list of valid users.
* Pick "Good Guy"
* See that "C Good Guy" is now in your list.
* Click "Fight"
* Note that game thinks "Good Guy" doesn't exist; the bug is here in that it is using what you typed (again) rather than what you picked from the list.

I can reproduce this every time, though I haven't tried with other typed/valid combinations.
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