Recruiting for clan (in General)

Dragoon Master March 20 2005 11:32 AM EST

basically it boils down to i have just recently been handed the role of leader of a clan. my clan basically sucks. i need an active member of CB2 that will help me in my conquest to have a decent clan. i have rules for the clan.
1) if you dont fight, i boot you after a week of poor fighting
2)clans men will try to get along, this includes helping each other out, and helping to improve each other so the clan will do better
3)if you cant fight, notify me with your excuse

i want a clan that will be as one unit and any help would be greatly appreciated.

-Dragoon Master (leader of clan Dragon Haven)

Xwolfangel March 20 2005 8:50 PM EST

I don't really get how to play i know how to fight but that's about it like i don't know how to tell clans and forging and i just dunno please help me and i will do my best to help the clan
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