sasquatchan//CB2BANK (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 21 2005 6:57 PM EST

sasquatchan is borrowing 500k at 10% per week.

Due during week 1: 550k

sasquatchan March 21 2005 8:39 PM EST

I confirm this loan, $500k, 10%/week. Paid back hopefully within month, but expect regular payments regardless.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 21 2005 8:41 PM EST

[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) sasquatchan (|-| /\ |_) $500000 -- Loan 8:41 PM EST

sasquatchan March 23 2005 9:23 PM EST

sasquatchan (|-| /\ |_) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $400000 -- 400k paid, 150 to go 9:22 PM EST

$400k paid, $150k to go.

sasquatchan March 25 2005 8:59 AM EST

sasquatchan (|-| /\ |_) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $100000 -- 50k left on debt. 8:59 AM EST

Owe: 50k now.

sasquatchan March 25 2005 5:31 PM EST

sasquatchan (|-| /\ |_) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $50000 -- paid in full 5:30 PM EST

loan repaid in full.
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