Elven Blood needs big hitters (in General)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] March 23 2005 2:31 PM EST

Ok back to the good old job of recruiting. /sarcasm

Ok with the latest loss of Gilgamesh, 2 weeks of unreasoned inactivity was more than enough for myself and Phaete, we consider ourselves patient and friendly but we have been consistantly too low because of this when we should be an easy top 10 if not top 5 clan.
So onto the good stuff, we are looking for one or two people to help make up for our deficit, we are a very friendly clan and will gladly help out in any way we can (no don't go asking for free Morgs :P) but we will answer questions, I will give cheap loans and loan out unused equipment at no or little charge if I have it.
So if you would like to be in a well known clan all we ask is that you give us at least 1k points a day, 5k over the week giving you one whole day to sit back or fall on if you are behind :)
We don't expect 2k+ a day because we feel that we are not in needof this since we can get bonuses a lot easier.
Ok over with the rambling for now and we will be happy to see any of you joining our ranks :D

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] March 23 2005 6:25 PM EST

Wow cannot believe how quickly this post has slipped, I have seen lesser clans recieve more posts in minutes than this has in hours.
I put a bit of time into this post and maybe that was my flaw.
Do you want it more simple?

Well known
Prestigious Name
Can easily be in Top 10 if not Top 5
Friendly People
Extremely Helpful also
2 top players from cb1
Will also be a semi-permanent Elven Blood chat room from now on, most likely whenever I am online which is most of the UK day.

gain 1k+ points a day
or gain 5k+ per week
just be nice and contribute how you feel necessary even if that just means to the community and social aspects of Elven Blood.
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