TheEverblacksky//maulaxe deal (in Public Record)

TheEverblacksky March 25 2005 2:41 AM EST

I am sending

Compound [5x31] (+15) 740,707


his compound NW 175k and 200k.... he will pay me 150k when he gets around to it.... i just hope this works for him :).

maulaxe March 25 2005 2:47 AM EST

maulaxe (stIckSlayer) TheEverblacksky
(The End of the Earth) A Compound Bow ($174583) 2:45 AM EST
maulaxe (stIckSlayer) TheEverblacksky
(The End of the Earth) $200000 2:45 AM EST

sent 200k and a compound (5x14)+10

the rest of the payment to follow, within 1-3 weeks (probably 1.5ish, depends on Real Life ;)

maulaxe March 25 2005 3:21 AM EST

just confirming receipt of the comp.

TheEverblacksky March 27 2005 3:54 PM EST

He sent 70k to me... so that's 80k to go...

maulaxe March 29 2005 10:17 PM EST

maulaxe (stIckSlayer) TheEverblacksky
(The End of the Earth) $80000 -- final payment 10:15 PM EST

happy spending, and thanks!
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