CB2Bank long term loan application (in Public Record)

Arorrr March 25 2005 2:33 PM EST

This is a loan application to CB2Bank (Barron), long term loan. Loan term is:

1. Long term loan of 2.6M. Mininum of 4 week and max at 8 weeks.
2. Minimum payment a week: 500K. If fail to do, double the interest for that week.
3. Weekly compound interest of: 10% without collaterial or 8% with a +30 MCM as collaterial.
4. All loan+interest has to be paid within 8 weeks or subject to default.
5. Loan can be paid out with USD at current market price at anytime.
6. The deal is not concluded when all party agree: CB2Bank, NotReallyHere.

This loan is so that I can upgrade my cobf+10 with NotReallyHere name cobf+39. If CB2Bank and NotReallyHere approve to the term, CB2Bank sends money to NotReallyHere. I send mine to him and he will send it to me.

Thank ahead.


Part-time Barman March 25 2005 3:07 PM EST

I approve of the term with the proviso that the money and cobf+10 is with me by the time I log on tomorrow morning (GMT, prolly around 3am EST), otherwise I will entertain the other offers CM'd to me.

Arorrr March 25 2005 5:02 PM EST

Revise on point 6:

6. The deal is concluded when all party agree before 3AM EST, March Sat 26th.: CB2Bank, NotReallyHere. Else, it is terminated.

Arorrr March 25 2005 9:38 PM EST

Deal is good. Please send cobf to Goldminer of Arorrr. Thank NotReallyHere.

Arorrr (Goldminer) NotReallyHere
(Brentford Triangle) A Cloak of Balrog Flame ($1011238) -- for +39 cobf 9:36 PM EST
[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) NotReallyHere
(Brentford Triangle) $2600000 -- Loan for Arorrr 9:32 PM EST
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