loaning memnot 400k (in Public Record)

a20sidedninja March 25 2005 11:17 PM EST

a20sidedninja (a20sidedninja) memnot (Krang) $400000 11:15 PM EST

No interest, but he has to pay me back by april 1st, or I'll enact a %50 interest.

Enjoy your DBs.

Mem March 25 2005 11:18 PM EST


a20sidedninja March 27 2005 10:20 PM EST

I recently spoke with memnot, and due to complications, he won't be able to pay me back by the 1st of April, so I'm going to extend the loan through the 14th, at which point, he'll pay me 425k. %50 is way too much, and I don't want to be a gouger :)

Mem March 27 2005 10:26 PM EST

Touche m'lady.

Mem April 10 2005 4:05 PM EDT

Paid 250k. Still owe 175k.

memnot (Krang) a20sidedninja (a20sidedninja) $250000 -- still owe 175k 4:04 PM EDT

Mem April 12 2005 9:14 AM EDT

Paid 175k. Paid in full. Thanks!

memnot (Krang) a20sidedninja (a20sidedninja) $175000 -- Paid in full--thanks 9:14 AM EDT
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