Mercenaries Playground Of Destruction (in Off-topic)

[FireBreathing]Dragon March 26 2005 7:35 AM EST

i was wondering who had it and if it was a good game, so if you know anything about it or have it post feedback here please.

I finally see March 26 2005 10:38 AM EST

The game is between ok and mediocre. It starts out strong, but very quickly becomes repetitive and tedious. The realism factor is stretched to the very fringe of it's being, as one is able to bribe a criminal enterprise or nation to get in it's good graces after just obliterating a plethora of said countries compatriots. The voice acting isn't particularly enthralling, and the lack of any type of multiplayer leaves me with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.

[FireBreathing]Dragon March 26 2005 12:34 PM EST

okay thanx
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