Experience time messed up (in General)

Anubis March 26 2005 12:24 PM EST

Experience time is upon us and something is wrong!
I dont get more than 70 exp per fight, despite the fact that in normal time I get more than that from many fights. My money has dropped to 50$ or less per fight, so for me Experience time is waste of BA, but I have to use it up.
Money time is fine, I get the rewards I would expect, up to $300 and lower experience.

Whats going on here, anyone else find the same?

Anubis March 26 2005 12:31 PM EST


I return to playing it and all is ok now!
Thats after having already spent 50BA+ with it giving low Experience.

Anubis March 26 2005 12:33 PM EST

Spoke too soon, I now get max 60exp per fight.

dnnx March 26 2005 1:34 PM EST

you are not alone my friend.......

Anubis March 26 2005 2:05 PM EST

thanks, I'm not really nuts then ;)
Has anyone else seen this?

When I returned to fight after my last post, Exp was back to normal again.
Its not tied to the ebb and flow of won Experience that occurs, it was abnormally low ALL the time.
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