Brotherhood of Valinor Recruiting! (in General)

Chocolate Thunder March 26 2005 5:21 PM EST

BoV is infact recruiting, we are looking for someone that can pull around 14,000 Clan points per week. We are usually in the top 5-10 clans, and have the added bonus of being part of the Valinor Franchise.

If you are interested please chatmail me. Include :
1) Previous clanning experience
2) Your feelings on the World Trade Organization (10 words or less please).
3) When you will be available to join.
4) If you think Myth is hot.

Undertow March 26 2005 9:29 PM EST

Well, I was in BoV from early January till about... 6 hours ago. But I only get about 11k/week.

I have no opinion of the WTO.

Not anytime soon, I'm heading up a new clan.

Dead sexy, that is all.

Trillian March 27 2005 6:30 PM EST

1) I co-founded Valinor. Nuff said. Sorry
2) Yippee
3) Now
4) I'm meeting him on Tuesday so yeah, I love him.

I finally see March 27 2005 8:13 PM EST

1. I have been a member of several CULTS, if that is worth anything.
2. W3rd
3. Never.
4. Ugh- I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
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