Sign Up and get money (in Off-topic)

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2005 6:16 AM EST

Make an account It should be a spamable email, unless you want to get newsletters everyweek :p So Sign up here, and then post here, and ill check my account on there when you post, and if you signed up, ill give you 700$ I know it may not seem like alot, but i might have to pay alot of people, and if it turns out not alot of people sign up, and i already paid some 700$ ill send the 300$ to make it an even 1k.

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2005 10:37 AM EST

ok, ok, you get 1k if you sign up.

TheEvolution March 27 2005 10:41 AM EST

I'll do it for 5k.. lol

{CB1}Lukeyman March 27 2005 11:00 AM EST

no, lol, and im taking off the payment now, lol.

But please still sign up, it would be a great help.
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