Another lame suggestion (in General)

I finally see March 29 2005 5:42 PM EST

Probably covered under the FORS entry about a "forging skill," But what about a familiar called the "Forge goblin," that (unlike the other tats), made PR and not MPR effect forging skill. Granted this might raise the issue of people converting their huge jigs to "Forge Goblins," and becoming economic monsters, but perhaps the "Forge Goblin," couldn't be transformed from a jig, or, couldn't be changed back if it was. However, this does raise the issue of "What next, a camping tat?"

I finally see March 29 2005 5:45 PM EST

*Please forgive my use of the phrase "This does raise the issue of..." twice, rereading this I realize my mistake.

Tribute March 29 2005 5:45 PM EST

forge goblin as a tat? It should be a power shield if anything at all.

Undertow March 29 2005 5:47 PM EST

Forge works on PR, period, Jon won't ever change that.

No matter what, if you change a jig into something else you can't change it back. That's already true of every tat.

I finally see March 29 2005 5:48 PM EST

You can't change it back To A *jig*. I meant you wouldn't be able to change it to anything else.

Reebok March 30 2005 2:03 AM EST

/me wants the "camping tat"
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