Apple-SirBubbleWrap loan (in Public Record)

SBW March 31 2005 2:54 PM EST

SirBubbleWrap will be bidding on the x30 compound bow currently in auctions. I will be bidding up to 200k on the bow. If I win the auction, I will hold the bow until Apple fully pays back the loan at 8% a week.Apple has 140k cash which can be paid within 24 hours of the end of the auction without interest. Approximately 60k will be charged interest of 8% a week, approx 65. By the end of one week. Late fees after one week: 3% interest per day. If the loan is not paid back within 2 weeks, it becomes default and I will keep the bow and what money has been paid.
Please confirm

Apple March 31 2005 2:56 PM EST

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