This would be a Cool Idea! ....Named Items....+transfering (in General)

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] April 1 2005 3:46 AM EST

It would be a awesome to have an option like being able to transfer a name right from 1 item to another. Like if i have a Shadow Cloak called "Superman's Cape" and I wanted to transfer the name to my elven cloak, it would now be the Elven cloak with the name "Superman's Cape". There is always some1 who's gonna abuse this feature, so an account could be limited to 1-2 name transfers for a fee or something along those lines. (another money sink idea perhaps)

feedback is wanted and welcomed :D

Tenchi Muyo April 1 2005 3:48 AM EST

I'd like it, but you know Jon won't do it. Then he doesn't get money when you name another item to the same name as your old one, hehe.
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