Who here can't wait for tonight final Battle Galatica to be over? (in Off-topic)

Arorrr April 1 2005 4:32 PM EST

After tonight, I can start going out on Friday again. Why would they put such a good show on Friday night is out of my mind. Is it because:

A. Most people who watch SciFi are geeks.
B. Geeks that watch SciFi do not have girlfriends; no Friday date out.
C. The ones that do have girlfriends, it's more likely the girlfriends are also geeks; so both want to stay home watching Battle Galatica anyway.

Interesting thought?

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 1 2005 4:42 PM EST

GetTiVO and you don't have to be a slave to programming--watch your favorite shows when YOU want to.

Arorrr April 2 2005 2:30 AM EST

Unless I find TiVo version 1, I hate to fork cash monthly just so I can one favorite show. I heard there are many system like TiVo but free, right? Know any good and cheap?

InebriatedArsonist April 2 2005 4:08 AM EST

It's called VHS, welcome to the 1980's, hehe. Not a bad series so far, though.

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] April 2 2005 4:35 AM EST


Strafe April 5 2005 4:26 AM EDT

Barron I see enough cheesy advertising slogans on TV alone =)
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