Here me out. (in Public Record)

[Banned]Monty April 2 2005 9:02 PM EST

I have different debts.
some to will and some to Dragon and other various people
and they add up to about 3.1 mil if someone could loan me 3.1 mil at 10% per week so I can pay off different debts and concentrate on one. if you need refrences you can ask Barron I paid off my loan from him of 700k I paid it back in less than 1 week.

Arorrr April 2 2005 10:04 PM EST

why can't barron let you loan 3M at 10%?

[Banned]Monty April 2 2005 10:05 PM EST

I chatmailed him and no response

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 2 2005 10:54 PM EST

Sorry Monty--been busy I'll make a post--you can have the loan :)
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