AMF & DM (in General)

onlyyouknow April 3 2005 7:31 AM EDT

Hi guys,

Just wondering how much dispel magic is needed to eliminate amf completely. My minion casts 17k DM but there are still minions who manage to cast amf on my minions. :(

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] April 3 2005 7:50 AM EDT

DM does not affect your enemys AMF, EC, or DM

onlyyouknow April 3 2005 8:43 AM EDT

So, dm does not eliminate amf. But why does it eliminate my own amf?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] April 3 2005 8:59 AM EDT

it eliminates your AMF because you cast your AMF on your enemy, any spell that affects you enemys (EC, AMF) are affected by your DM, along with your enemy's defensive spells

onlyyouknow April 3 2005 9:20 AM EDT

so, dm also affects my spells and opponents defensive spells. Am I right?

Nightmare [NewNightmares] April 3 2005 9:34 AM EDT

your offensive spells and their defensive spells

onlyyouknow April 3 2005 9:50 AM EDT

I believe I saw my AS also got zapped by my DM. So, does DM affect all my spells other than DD spells?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] April 3 2005 9:51 AM EDT

your AS is not affected by your DM, only your EO spells, DD is not affected

bartjan April 3 2005 9:52 AM EDT

DM eliminates all enchantments cast on the opponent. This means their defensive enchantments, but also your own offensive enchantments.
This means that having both DM and AMF/EC doesn't work as well as it sounds.

The best way to combat opponents casting AMF on you is to train your Direct Damage spells at a higher level, as the AMF effect depends on the AMF/DD ratio.

onlyyouknow April 3 2005 9:53 AM EDT

Oh ok. Thanks. Will try adding AS.
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