Slight Request (in General)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] April 3 2005 2:18 PM EDT

Now we know I never make requests as look stupid like all the others who do :P
I have a feeling I will be made to look a lazy fool here but I feel this should be in.
I just encountered a character in my standard fight list which is 47k score up to 50k score.
The character is called Warsawhawk and has all minions fired making it unable to attack.
Now I know I can avoid attacking him but keep pressing up and enter I have no patience to check who it is and keep getting an error message for fighting him.
All I am asking is that if someone is going to go through all the effort to fire all their minions then can the score along with the pr be set to 0? It would make sense to stop people getting to a certain score then just to keep it stagnant fire all the minions and cause hassle on those going through those levels.
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