Chernobyl//Karmic Mishap Forge Svc (in Public Record)

chernobyl April 3 2005 6:41 PM EDT

Karmic Mishap has paid me $18000 to forge his Compound Bow to x22 +13.

This transfer is over the same IP because we are room-mates. (We're not even in the same clan anymore.) The IP is my web server (

Karmic Mishap (Chao Tipper) chernobyl (Besbo) $18000 -- payment 4 forge 6:39 PM EDT
Karmic Mishap (Chao Tipper) chernobyl (Besbo) A Compound Bow ($294060) -- Forgin 6:38 PM EDT

chernobyl April 4 2005 1:02 AM EDT

Job complete.

chernobyl (Besbo) Karmic Mishap (Chao Tipper) A Compound Bow ($376483) -- Job's Done!!! 1:01 AM EDT
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