TheEverblacksky//Sefton Deal (in Public Record)

TheEverblacksky April 4 2005 5:27 PM EDT

for an exbow

200k now.... 300k in less than a week.

TheEverblacksky April 4 2005 5:55 PM EDT

i meant an executioner's sword and i don't know how much i'm paying for it...

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] April 4 2005 5:59 PM EDT

Im sorry we did get together on this TheEverblacksky, I would have been happy to pay plan the exec for you, but it now has a min bid in auction and I am afraid it is out of my control. Hopefully Ill get another one quickly and we can work something out. If I do Ill chat mail before I stick it in auction :)
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