robinhood/Pongdict Deal (in Public Record)

Pongdict [take the money and run] April 4 2005 6:20 PM EDT

reposted since thread was closed

received his Tattoo of Endurance level 34,870 543,645

NW difference is: (2,017,676 - 543,645) = 1,474,031

5% of 1,474,031 is 73,701

week 1 balance: 1,547,732

--Pongdict, March 29 2005 1:10 AM EST

-received 1 million-

week 1 balance 547,732

Pongdict [take the money and run] April 12 2005 10:23 PM EDT

5% 547,732 = 27,386

balance as of April 5(week2): 575,118

5% of 575,118 = 28,755

(week 3) current balance: 603,873

Pongdict [take the money and run] April 19 2005 10:34 PM EDT

5% of 603,873 = 30,193

week 4 balance: 634,066

Pongdict [take the money and run] April 27 2005 1:37 AM EDT

5% of 634,066 = 31,703

week 5 balance: 665,769

[YG]Wildthing April 27 2005 2:07 AM EDT

If you had loaned the item to him, you would have gotten the item back. So I think what you mean is that the deal you 2 had made did not go as planned/stated in the thread you made.

This is sated right in the Public Record forum:

If person A scams person B, we will reset A. We do not want to encourage scamming. BUT, it is your responsibility to make sure the person you are dealing with is trustworthy. We also do not want to encourage the thinking of, "so what if this guy offering me a loch for $100k is scamming me, all I have to is whine to the admins to get my money back." So no, we're not in the property recovery business. Same goes for loan installment payments. In other words: if you want truly scamproof trading, your only option is the auction system.

It has only been 4 days, maybe wait a bit longer. Something could have happened to him to prevent him from getting online. working real hard or went on vacation or something

[YG]Wildthing April 27 2005 2:08 AM EDT

Sorry this is under the wrong thread. Dunno how that happened. I blame lack of sleep
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