if you like camping... (in Off-topic)

House April 4 2005 10:30 PM EDT

and have a VW or even if you don't...THIS is a great thing to do..check it out...


{CB3}-HR22 April 5 2005 2:30 PM EDT

lol real funny

House April 5 2005 9:52 PM EDT

I didn't realize this was such a funny post....It is in the off-topic forum....hmm.....it is off-topic.....hmmm....the non-active link when used with cut and paste to most any browser takes you to a real web page...for a real event..that absolutely rocks!!!...in a really cool place....I bet there aren't that many people here that can go camping in January and not freeze their whatevers off....here is an excellent opportunity to avoid the cold make new friends and enjoy my little corner of the world :)

nope..still not seeing anything funny here..not even when I read it out loud....../me shrugs

WeaponX April 5 2005 9:55 PM EDT

camping in RL and CB mean 2 totally different things

House April 5 2005 10:02 PM EDT

Thats why this is in off-topic....which generally has litle to do with CB. :)
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