Question.... (in Public Record)

Devil Burrito April 5 2005 4:42 PM EDT

Hello all, I have a question. I have a friend who dosent have the internet but wants to play carnage blender. My solution, he could use one of my other computers ( a spare ). The IP addresses will differ ( I assume ). I doubt there will be 'suspicious' activity between us. I might loan him a lesser tat or some gear or something. That ok? Or should i tell him to hit the road? Or was this to poorly worded to comprehend?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 5 2005 5:06 PM EDT

Different computer, same house will be the same IP...But as long as no one way transfers its ok, loans and such are ok but no sending perm tattoos over without payment back.

mchaos April 5 2005 5:25 PM EDT

Somewhat related question, If I have a friend who I don't share an IP with, can there be one-sided transfers? I have a friend I referred and was wondering about just giving him stuff. Is the intention only to block true multis or also to prevent this type of colaboration?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 5 2005 5:44 PM EDT

As far as i know, one sided transfers are to be looked down upon in same IP transfers.

But as long as you guys are never on the same IP, i dont see anything wrong with it.

Devil Burrito April 5 2005 5:44 PM EDT

its differnet IPs simliar though... for example.. one might be and the other might be or somethhing
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