Will//Lukey (in Public Record)

Will [Retired] April 5 2005 7:12 PM EDT

Lukey is loaning 1.25 mil from me to pay for a pair of named Tulka's Gauntlets.

10% interest will be applied in the form of daily 1.4% compounded interest. This will be calculated at 11am server time each day, better to pay it off early I say! :p

Will (ATM) Lukey (Luke) Black Leather Gloves ($375788) 7:02 PM EDT

Starting Balance -$1,250,000

{CB1}Lukeyman April 5 2005 8:48 PM EDT

I don't really understand all that intrest. Can you explain it in numbers... like, if i do't pay for a week, how much willl it be, and added up each day.?

{CB1}Lukeyman April 5 2005 9:06 PM EDT

Sending money in a min. Thanks :D

Will [Retired] April 6 2005 4:51 AM EDT

Balance*1.014*1.014*1.014*1.014*1.014*1.014*1.014 = Balance*1.102 = Balance + 10.2% (for 1 week)

calculating daily just makes it fairer & gives you incentive to pay it back earlier ;D

Will [Retired] April 6 2005 4:54 AM EDT

all paid anyway
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