Should I change my ToJ to a ToE? (in General)

CooperTX April 5 2005 10:53 PM EDT

Inspect character Melian. Should I change my ToJ to a ToE? If so, why? I also realize it would be better to untrain AS at that point, what should I redirect that experience into if I do? Please include the reasons behind whatever advice you give. Also I want the tank to stay as is, with the exception that I may eventually put DB's on it instead of EB's. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

Tenchi Muyo April 5 2005 11:27 PM EDT

From what I've been observing, ToE is one of the few tattoos that works best on 1 minion, and just becomes less useful the more minions you add.

I'd stick with just keeping a ToJ with your current setup. Your enchanter can only benefit from minion tattoos. Your UC tank can't use a ToA or ToE without losing EC, Combat Gi, and the MgS.

CooperTX April 7 2005 2:44 PM EDT

Right on the Tattoo on my UC tank part. I still would like other input on this issue (I am not discounting your advice, it has good points), are there other views out there?

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 7 2005 2:50 PM EDT

CooperTX I had a lot of experience with UC in CB1--see Don Kixothe on CB1--he had the highest UC skill when i left CB1. Anyway, the bane of a UC minion is dd damage along with his inability to wear a lot of good armor. A ToE would work great for a UC minion--just get rid of the GI and EC. I know it hurts to do that, but my guess is the added protection will go far for a UC character.
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