Forging at 106K MPR (in General)

Anubis April 7 2005 7:17 AM EDT

Is it beneficial to do my own forging with a minion PR of 106K?

Before Tats were included in PR, the 'good forging level' was said to be 125K. After Tats became included in PR, everyones MPR dropped. I read that those characters that were previously able to forge at 125K but have now dropped in MPR still have the same forging ability.

Is 106K of the new MPR anywhere near equivalent to the old 125K for forging?


chernobyl April 7 2005 2:49 PM EDT

I've been forging since 78K MPR with great success. Give it a try and decide for yourself. I used to forge when I was little (<25K PR) and the difference from crossing that 75K barrier is huge.

Anubis April 7 2005 6:39 PM EDT

ok thanks :)
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