What is Protection? Duh! (in General)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 7 2005 12:48 PM EDT

I hear it all the time. What EXACTLY is protection if its not AC? This is my theory.

Definition: Protection
Training cost 6226
Reduces damage taken by targets. Applied after armor

Apparently, it protects against physical and magical damage. But it's not exactly AC. What I believe it is is the + of an equivalent regular piece of armor. The + for regular armor protects against physical and magical damage. So for example, a Protection of 20 is equivalent to wearing another piece of regular armor with a stat of (0)(+20).

I think it's as simple as that.

QBJohnnywas April 7 2005 12:51 PM EDT

Given that it's base level (4) isn't changed by CoBF and Mage Shield - according to several posts on the subject - perhaps your stat should read (4)(+16)?

AdminJonathan April 7 2005 12:59 PM EDT

CB1 protection works as you describe. CB2 protection does not.

Chocolate Thunder April 7 2005 1:00 PM EDT

Well, its applied either before or after AC (I can't remember which). So if you have enough AC to block 25% of damage, and enough prot to block 10%. You won't block 35%, you'll block 10% of the remaining 75% (or visa versa).

GnuUzir April 7 2005 1:05 PM EDT

Maybe Protection is more akin to Endurance than AC... so a base Prot nabs you 4 point of Endurance...perhaps...

Will [Retired] April 7 2005 1:15 PM EDT

Its applied after armour and i think the + is the % damage reduction applied to whatever is left after the armour has taken its bite out...

AC 240, protection of 20

AC takes ~50% away, protection then takes 20% of whats left (10%)

Im probably completely wrong but hey whats new?

I finally see April 7 2005 1:21 PM EDT

I *think* protection rudes a %, much like a TOE does.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 7 2005 1:27 PM EDT

It's interesting that ENDURANCE is the only stat in the game that is not trainable, although we have ToEs, and ToJs train endurance. Endurance does the same 'thing' as protection. So maybe Endurance and Protection are the same thing and the joke is on us.

AdminJonathan April 7 2005 1:47 PM EDT

they are not the same.

Nightmare [NewNightmares] April 7 2005 1:56 PM EDT

While they (probably, by looking at someone's chart) provide the same kind of absorption, they aren't exactly the same thing... Endurance is for a single minion only (ToE wearer or ToJ minion), while protection does its stuff for everyone in the group. Also, according to FAQS->Armor/Tattoos, the reduction goes AC->Protection->Endurance.. imagine you can have a ToE mage with 100 ac (hehe hitting it high on the EBs and MCM :-P) and a 25 protection get smacked by Sefton for 100k with that broken Stone Bow... :) The AC drops it to ~79k right off.. then the Protection hits it again to bring the damage to ~60k. Finally Endurance sets the final damage somewhere around 15k. Thats a nifty little damage vacuum. ;)
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