How bout changing cache flush msg? (in Off-topic)

{cb1}Linguala April 8 2005 4:41 AM EDT

to 25 mins or more?

[-war-] April 8 2005 5:22 AM EDT

I think 30 should do

Hammerhead April 14 2005 1:57 PM EDT

what does cache flushing do.

Stephen April 14 2005 7:14 PM EDT

It flushes the cache. Glad to help.

Hammerhead April 15 2005 12:49 PM EDT

Explain further

Special J April 15 2005 1:08 PM EDT

Some of the pages on the site are stored in cache to save the server from dying of a heart attack, when the cache is flushed all new data is published.
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