A funny thing happened to my shortbow on the way to the store. (in General)

Grant April 8 2005 7:35 PM EDT

My shortbow, which I haven't really used since the rescale, a long time ago, I sold for 100k, then bought back for 80k. I could only sell it for 69k the second time, though :)

Descent April 8 2005 7:56 PM EDT

Grant, looking at your purchase logs it would appear as though you didn't buy back the same bow you sold.

Grant (Stash) buy A Short Bow ($82191) 7:32 PM EDT
Grant (Stash) sell A Short Bow ($127705)

Grant April 8 2005 9:10 PM EDT

It had the same stats, at least :)

Reebok April 9 2005 7:09 PM EDT

Sweet deal, man.
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