Fightlist question/problem (in General)

[Banned]Monty April 8 2005 9:07 PM EDT

was the 50 changed to 32? because it would'nt add all 50 members it only adds 32...and I know there are 50 members of clans near 22k pr

FatalXception [Money Depot] April 8 2005 9:09 PM EDT

For me, it shows, 29, which is correct, cause I have 21 on my fightlist already. You must have 18 already on your fightlist.

[Banned]Monty April 8 2005 9:22 PM EDT

I cleared everyone and it only shows add 32 ..

FatalXception [Money Depot] April 8 2005 9:27 PM EDT

Well, now that is odd. I suppose it could have been a coincedence that I just needed the same number that it showed... or perhaps there really aren't a lot of 20K PR clanners just now...? Maybe it hasn't caught onto the fact that your list is empty?

If one other person were to count their list and thier available to-add number, that might solve this...

[Banned]Monty April 8 2005 9:31 PM EDT

i guess it may be the lack of members? but it was like that neat 17k pr too lol and from then on

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 9 2005 12:20 AM EDT

24 opponents out of 50 possible:

What it says for me...

[Banned]Monty April 9 2005 1:36 AM EDT

will it let u add more?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 9 2005 1:37 AM EDT

lol, dont know, havent found people in clans im able to beat yet...>.<

[Banned]Monty April 9 2005 1:43 AM EDT

like clear everyone.and then "Add All Opponents Near My Power/Score" see if it only adds 50 or less

slurpz April 9 2005 11:04 AM EDT

it works for me :)
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