BooDiggity/masta deal (in Public Record)

BooDiggens April 8 2005 9:17 PM EDT

Loaning masta 300k at 10% weekly interest. 4 week maximum to pay off loan.

First weeks payment: 330k

masta please confirm

FsL-masta April 8 2005 9:27 PM EDT


BooDiggens April 18 2005 2:11 AM EDT

second weeks payment: 363,000
(as of April 15th)

FsL-masta April 21 2005 3:43 AM EDT

That's messed up u didn't want the money when i had it

BooDiggens April 21 2005 2:41 PM EDT

It seems as though anyone entering into a loan deal would realize that they should pay whatever they can before the next week accrues more interest. What exactly did I say that made you believe I didn't want repayment? lol

BooDiggens April 25 2005 1:14 PM EDT

week 3: 399,300 (as of April 22)
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