Cooldown time thingy for store (in General)

3D April 10 2005 1:51 PM EDT

Does cooldown time (8 items per 30 minutes) go for each store or for both?
Example: I buy 8 Soft Leather Armors in Armor store. Can i still buy 8 things in Weapons store?

slurpz April 10 2005 2:00 PM EDT

try it and tell us :)

48Zach April 10 2005 2:01 PM EDT

no you cant. you may only buy 8 items from any store per 20 minutes

FatalXception [Money Depot] April 10 2005 2:20 PM EDT

I was outfitting 4 guys the other day, it's definintely 8 total, as opposed to each.

That said, a couple things I noticed while I was waiting:

1) It let my buy 9 and items once, but not a second time.

2) It reset after 15 min once, but not the second time.
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